Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Gopher Tortoise Council Meeting Details

The Gopher Tortoise Council, ALAPARC's partner in reptile conservation, has announced the details of their upcoming meeting:

Please join us October 7-10, 2010 at the Alabama 4-H Center in Columbiana, Alabama for the 32nd Annual Gopher Tortoise Council Meeting.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS AUGUST 20th (link to registration below). Abstract submission is now also open.

Preliminary Agenda:

Thursday, October 7: GTC Business Meeting

Friday, October 8: Special Alabama Session and Panel Discussion Regarding the Potential Implications of a Range-wide Federal Listing

Friday will kick off with a keynote presentation by Craig Guyer (Auburn
University) followed by presentations highlighting tortoise and longleaf pine research and conservation in Alabama. In the afternoon, a panel discussion will convene to discuss how a federal listing will influence various stakeholders. A question and answer session will allow the audience to participate.

Saturday, October 9: Ecology and Habitat Conservation and Ray Ashton Tribute

Conference sessions will focus on traditional meeting topics, such as gopher tortoise ecology, commensal species ecology, and upland habitat conservation efforts. On Saturday afternoon, we will remember a gopher tortoise conservation pioneer.

Hotel: This year's meeting will be held at the Alabama 4-H Center in Columbiana, Alabama. Lodging is included in registration packages (link below).

Saturday Evening Social: Join us Saturday night on-site for beverages and the musical stylings of Olin Howlin, an Auburn favorite.

We were able to keep costs for our meeting low by creating registration packages, please select one that best fits your schedule. All packages include Gopher Tortoise Council Meeting Registration (Use PayPal to pay, you may do so below the package descriptions). Send an e-mail to with questions.



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